Friday 19 May 2017


After much deliberating I have decided to re-ignite my blog fire and kick off this new chapter with a very exciting new post! If you hadn't already guessed, no I have not been overindulging on the cream cakes over the new year (well, technically I have, but I have a good reason!), I am PREGNANT!
I thought I would give you a quick glimpse into what has been going on over the past few months without boring you all to death with too many details (maybe another blog post on that later?!) The above photos were taken when I was 17 weeks pregnant and had just found out that we're having a baby girl! Honestly, I was so convinced we was having a boy that it has taken a very long time for this news to sink in, but we are both absolutely over the moon and cannot be more excited after celebrating with all our close family and friends.
Some weeks have ticked by, and very fast might I add, which is why I am sitting here tonight looking back at these photos taken nearly 10 weeks ago!! and I cannot quite believe how it has flown. I will be slowly adding content to my blog as the weeks progress and I enter the third trimester, knowing that I will soon be preoccupied with a little bundle of joy has given me a big push to start documenting this special time and I hope that you all enjoy the journey with me.

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