Thursday 17 September 2015

girl meets blog

hi everyone :)

I would like to start this blog off with a little about me and the reason for this piece of creativeness. Firstly, I have wanted to do a blog for a long time now but have never really set my heart to commit as I have so much going on in my life at all times, and I tend to get a little lazy in the mist of things, so to see this start to come together is a really big deal for me!

The purpose of this blog is to start documenting my crazy little life, and hopefully provide some form of entertainment. I believe that the internet is a great way in sharing advice and stories, and if I can be of help to just one person then I'm happy with that.

So the basics in a nutshell; I'm Leanne Marling, twenty-five years old, born and bred in Essex, married to the absolute dream that is my husband, John. Proud mummy to my pet poodle Dolly (yes, she is my baby!), and you can expect to see plenty of new posts coming shortly. Stay tuned!



1 comment

  1. Fantastic to see you blogging again beautiful lady! Looking forward to reading your posts and having a giggle xx ��


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